The Chinese Restaurant
By: ImFratJockFood

Doug and Rick are best friends from way back. Now their starting their college years. fresh from high school they went to TCU early so they can establish their roots and maybe a part time job. So their first day was exploring the way around university area shops clubs and restaurants.

They were hungry when they passed by a handsome young college guy and asked him about the area and what's the cheapest food joint that's open now, even during late summer. When most shops are closed till fall in the university area.

He looks at them and asked this your first year? Yea said Rick. The college guy said with an evil smirk on his face."Try the eat all you can Chinese place down the corner turn left 3 blocks "its so good you may never have a second year"Doug and Rick laughed and said were not that hungry."yea but they are "later dudes" the college guy smiled and keeped his laugh barely under control.

Doug and Rick walked up to the restaurant's large ornamental door's."well this is it "Rick said as he admired the colorful doors. IM really looking forward to this"

The two guys opened the doors and walked inside. Immediately they were greeted by a very handsome six foot tall 25 year old oriental man in a tux."welcome to university dragon restaurant "he said with a thick accent"please wait a moment "

As Doug and Rick looked over the place. A very handsome college guy and his girlfriend were waiting for their order. Rob and Misty were their names. And Rick caught Rob's eye. Rob leaned to Misty ear and said I think were changing our menu. She spin around and looked at the young guys. she was tiered of older victims all summer here a real treat. Rob called the waiter and asked to change the order from the older couple to the young ones over their pointing over to Doug and Rick! The waiter smiled and said "fine sir"

The waiter them called Rick and Doug over and asked them to follow him. As they walked and looked around. they notice Rob and Misty looking and smiling at them. Rick looked at Rob and nodded and smiled. Rob smiled back.

They walked in a dark room. The waiter said come in and stand in mid room while he turns on the light."this is the overflow room, as you can see were busy.the guys looked at each other and shuged.Thats OK said Doug.Then the door closed behind them the front of them! Then a click!

"hey what's the deal"then suddenly, from a vent high in the wall, a white gas began to pour into the room.the guys panicked as they realized something was seriously wrong as the gas stung their eyes and lungs. a few seconds later and the gas stopped. suddenly they began to feel stange.the room seemed to spin and Rick was fighting hard not to throw up.Doug coughed and looked up, that is when he noticed that the ceiling was at least 30 feet above his head. He grabbed Rick by the arm and pointed at the ceiling,"look! The room is getting bigger!"

No! Were getting smaller! Rick cried out! the two guys clung to each other naked from clothes that fell away as they shrank. As their bodies continued to shrink, getting smaller and smaller, until finally they were only about an inch tall "oh my god "Doug exclaimed as he looked at the ceiling which seemed to be hundreds of feet above his head. "how'd we get so tiny? what are they going to do with us?" as if in answer to his question, the door opened and in stepped the man who led them to the room.

the giant bent over and reached out with his hand. Rick and Doug screamed as the giant hand quickly grabbed them and lifted them high into the air.the young men were aware of movement ,but they could not see due to the giant fingers curled around them. A door opened and the young men heard a lot of noise. by the sound and smells coming from all around them they knew that they were in the kitchen of the restaurant. Doug was confused and scared at what was happening, but Rick had an idea of what was about to happen, and he was terrified at the thought of it!

One moment later Rick worst thoughts would hold true, the fingers around the two guys uncurled and the frightened the young men were looking up at the faces of several oriental chefs, suddenly, one chef reached in and plucked Doug from the palm. Before Rick could protest, he too was grabbed by another chef!

Rick felt like he was flying as he was carried between the thumb and forefingers of the gigantic chef. Then, as abruptly as his motion began, it stopped. Rick screamed as he looked down, below him dangling body was a plate of food. Rick realized in all his horror that he was a bout to be served as food! never in his wildest dreams did he think that coming to this place for lunch would mean that he would be lunch! The fingers holding his body let go, and Rick fell through the air. he landed on the plate, his fall broken by some kind of vegetable sidedish. Rick tried to stand but his feet were tangled in onion and sprouts. To his left was a giant pile of fried rice. to his right were boulder sized chunks of chicken, suddenly Rick fell into the center of the plate as it was jerked off the counter by a handsome 20 year old oriental man dressed a tux but without a coat like the waiter was wearing.

As Rick was carried through the restaurant. Rick tried to scream up at the giant waiter carrying him. "help please ! 'down here"! but there was no response from the waiter to Rick tiny cries. Rick could only lay helpless on the plate as it was set before ROB!

Rick looked in horror at his surroundings, his plate was placed before the couple that he and Doug smiled and passed by a mear 20 minutes before! Next place over was an enormous woman of about 19 years of age Misty, Rob's girlfriend, directly above Rick was Rob staring down at him!

Rick froze in terror as he watched the giant young man above him. Giant chopsticks came down towards the plate. Grabbing a piece of chicken. Rick stared wide eyed as the giant handsome young man of about 20 ate the piece of chicken, chewed and swallowed, realizing that he would meet the same fate as the chicken if he didn't escape, Rick broke from his frozen position and ran towards the edge of the plate.

He tripped on pieces of food that blocked his way, but managed to reach the edge of the plate, just before he was about to jump off hoping Rob wouldn't see him. He was knocked back by giant chopsticks. Rick didn't give up. He kept running, trying to get off the plate, but each time he came close he was simply pushed back by the giant guy's chopsticks. Rick, back in the center of the plate, looked up at his tormentor and saw that he was smiling down at him.the young frat guy continued to eat and talk with Misty and their friends on the other side of their table (they have victims on their plate as well) and enjoying the food that surrounded Rick.

Rick got on his knees and begged at the giant face above him "please don't eat me!!"this is some horrible mistake, please let me go, I wont tell anybody about this place.please!!"it was no use , the young guy wouldn't answer he just licked his lips and continued to eat and talk to his girlfriend and their friends. Rick watching and looking at the giant college guy and is to his amazement see Rob’s adams apple bob up and down as Rob ate and swallowed. Rick was about to begin begging some more when he heard a scream!

Quickly turning around to scream's at Misty's plate. He heard Doug's voice. Rick saw Doug standing amidst a mound of rice was all was left of misty"s plate. Doug was facing Misty no doubt talking and begging at her to let him go. Like Rick was doing with Rob. "Doug! "Doug over here!"doug couldn't hear Rick calling him he was that scared. Rick yelled at his friend again but this time he yelled in terror! as he stood helpless, he saw the giant young women pick Doug with her chopsticks. The giant young girl then dipped Doug in a bowl of sweet and sour sauce and then brought his dripping body up to her lips. Rick screamed as he saw what was happening to his friend."No,please don't eat him!!"

Rick fell in shocked silence as he watched Doug disappear into a giant mouth. A second later your heard crunching come from her mouth! the chewing began! Then she swallowed seeing her Adams apple bob up and down Misty smiled at Rob they made eye contact and made a soulful kiss. Rob tasting Doug as he kissed his girlfriend. Rick had just witnessed his long time best friend being eaten alive Rick covered his eyes and fell on his knees and cried!

Then Rob looked at Rick tiny body curled down in an empty plate except for a scrap here and their. Then Rob grabbed for his chopstick"s. Rick, still thinking about what he had just saw. Was unaware of two wooden sticks grabbing at his body.

Rick was awaken to feel the wood one either side of his body and was taken up into the air. he looked up into the eyes of a giant young man, the eyes of Rob and knew that his time had come. even though everything looked bleak, Rick fought as hard as he could to escape. kicking so hard and pushing with all his might that his body slipped and fell back into the plate. The giant frat jock laughed at Rick and brought the chopsticks down his way again.

Rick now out of breath saw two wood sticks coming for him and felt the pain of the clamp again. Rick was once again hoisted into the air. To look once again at the giant handsome frat jocks face there was no escape. Rick whimpered as the young frat jock parted his lips revealing perfect white teeth and a purple, glittering wet tongue. before Rick could even begin to think what to do next he was plunged between the lips and into the dark mouth. the chopsticks opened and Rick fell onto Rob's dark mouth and Rick felt the wet slick tongue .the tongue moved and rippled underneath him. it was humid and very warm inside Rob "s mouth and Rick smelled the rice and chicken. Rick could see past Rob "s lips but could not see very well the back of Rob’s throat. the mouth began to close now in total darkness enveloped him. he waited and waited for the soft wet tongue to move him between Rob "s teeth where he just knew he was to be chewed up. Nothing. Then the tongue gently rolled beneath him, then light came from nowhere the lips were parting! was Rob going to spit him out? then the mouth opened wider and wider. then saw another mouth heading towards Robs? then another tongue came into the frat jocks mouth .the other tongue pushed Rick onto the roof of Rob's mouth he was being tasted by Misty tongue as Misty and Rob kissed. the tongue then left and the mouth closed once again.

Then rob pushed Rick back and back towards his throat as Rick tried to grab a place to hold onto. Then Rick was slapped back by a healthy powerful young jocks tongue and slipped pass toward the black hole as Rick screamed. This time Rob's Adam apple bobbed up and down this time for Rick's body. Rick felt the muscle of Rob's esophagus clamp all around him no pain but a tight smooth ride. then he felt the bottom with his feet then it to opened he was going into the stomach. by this time Rob and misty were walking around knowing Rick still alive this made Rob and misty very hungry for sex for each other, Rick fell onto some food and awash in total darkens then sudden movement all around in Rob's stomach. he stomach was at work. By now Rob and misty were naked and making out. Then Rick felt the sting on his skin, the acid was working on Rick's body and Rick blacked out in unbearable pain As Rob was plunging his cock into Misty pussy. Rick was liquefied and torn apart and absorbed into Robs body as he slept with Misty. As her body was working on Doug's body as well.

Only one percent of the bodies were now shit inside Misty and Rob's butt. Rest was taken into the body of Rob and Misty for energy. Rob feeling healthy and looking good put on his Ambercromie @ Fitch cargo pants and went on another date with Misty not yet unloading his victim out of his butt!


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